I have never seen any of you raise your strong voices for Tibetans the way you do for Palestinians.
برگردان پارسى در پايان متن.
Death toll of Tibetans since its occupation by China in 1950;
1.2 million people
Death toll of Syrians since the Civil War in 2011;
171.510 people
Death toll of Palestinians since 1820;
123.533 people
It is a tragedy for every human being who has been killed in the name of Religion, Land, Race or Skin Color, Power, Oil and Money. No matter what Nation.
برگردان پارسى در پايان متن.
Death toll of Tibetans since its occupation by China in 1950;
1.2 million people
Death toll of Syrians since the Civil War in 2011;
171.510 people
Death toll of Palestinians since 1820;
123.533 people
It is a tragedy for every human being who has been killed in the name of Religion, Land, Race or Skin Color, Power, Oil and Money. No matter what Nation.
This is a wake up call for Justice.
I want to know my dear friend,
why can you raise your voice for Palestinians so strong and never for Tibetans? Where 10 thousands of them were massacered by the Chinese in only 3 days!
Why? Because it is not shown on TV?
Or is your empathy for a nation based on the hatred of another nation?
Think about that!
Sogol Ayrom
July 22nd 2014
I want to know my dear friend,
why can you raise your voice for Palestinians so strong and never for Tibetans? Where 10 thousands of them were massacered by the Chinese in only 3 days!
Why? Because it is not shown on TV?
Or is your empathy for a nation based on the hatred of another nation?
Think about that!
Sogol Ayrom
July 22nd 2014
شما كه صدايتان براى غزه و لبنان انقدر بلند است، هرگز نديدم يكبار هم كه شده براى مردم تبت صدايتان را بلند كنيد.
ايا ميدانيد تعداد كشته شدگان تبت از زمان اشغال اين كشور توسط چين در سال ١٩٥٠ چه تعداديست؟
١،٢ ميليون نفر
تعداد كشته شدگان جنگ داخلى سوريه از سال ٢٠١١ تا به امروز ١٧١.٥١٠ نفر
تعداد كشته شدگان فلسطينى از سال ١٨٢٠؛
١٢٣.٥٣٣ نفر.
اين يك فاجعه است! كشته شدن هر انسانى به خاطر مذهب، نژاد و رنگ پوست، زمين، نفت، ثروت و قدرت حال از هر مليتى كه ميخواهد باشد.
اين يك تلنگر براى عدالت است.
سوال من از شما دوست عزيز اين است.
چرا صدايت را فقط براى فلسطين بلند ميكنى و هرگز براى مردم تبت كه در ٣ روز دهها هزار نفر از انان توسط چين فتل عام شدند، بلند نميكنى؟
چرا چون تلويزيون ان نشان نداده؟
يا اينكه حس انساندوستيت و همدرديت از يك مليت بر پايه تنفر از يك مليت ديگر بنا شده است؟
يه كم بشين رو اين مساله فكر كن!
سوگل آيرم
٢٢ جولاى ٢٠١٤
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